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The Healers Path- Past life Regression Program 

      with Rachael Gargan 

Many fears, phobias, financial issues, blocks and karmic experiences can come from past lives. If you are feeling lost, stuck or blocked from experiencing the abundant life you deserve, then now is the time to do past life work. Past life regressions have the ability to clear these blocks and karmic imprints and allow you to step into your life purpose. 

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This program will help you explore your past lives at your own pace. You will be guided through a series of regressions were you will identify your karmic ties, emotional residue, intentions and contracts from past lives. You will then apply this information to your present day life to bring resolution and healing to your current blocks. This program has been designed for the healer to gain a higher prospective and step into their healing abilities. 

Past Lives- Module 1 everything you need to know about past lives. We also cover how past lives can be carried forward and effect your present day life.  

Preparation- Module 2 will settle your fears and hesitations about past life regressions before you even start. In this section we will go over everything you need to know about past life regressions and how to navigate them as you are experiencing them. 

Protection- Module 3 use witness state to allow yourself to access past life information without having to relive the experience. 

Regression 1- Module 4 is your first regression. You will set an intention using your PDF workbook, do a past life regression and then have prompts to help you reflect afterward. 

Regression 2- Module 5 walks you through your past life regression again to help you receive all the information needed to bring resolution into your present day life.

Breaking the Bonds of Time- Module 6 works with your higher self and your guides to rewrite the contract, and intentions we set before coming into this life. You will also do a full energetic release of anything that is no longer serving you. 

Bonus- As you move through this program you will receive email support. 

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When you join the program you will receive an email that will prompt you to create a password. You will then be able to login to your online portal and access your entire program. 



Christiane Simon

 Hi Rachael, some feedback on the past life regression program. I just finished and it's an amazing program!

I was scared it wouldn't work for me and that my mind would just make things up and that it will all fail but your first videos took away the stress and I was then ready to work with whatever would come up.

I received very helpful information and insights that make a lot of sense for my life today. Lots of compassion, empowerment and understanding opened up. I believe I even received information about my origins as a starseed.

Thank you so much for facilitating this - you've built a fantastic course. I love that you go step by step and really take the time to explain how this all works - it took away pressure and insecurities and made me feel comfortable and trust the process. The regressions are perfect- I am so glad I signed up!

Nancy Haines

I was a bit hesitant about purchasing the program, but something in my said “just do it.” Part of me was thinking this is not going to work for me. I’m not spiritual enough. I was beyond blown away with the insights i got. I wasn’t sure what it all meant and getting some clarity from Rachael was exactly what I needed. She is so patient and kind and it allowed me the space to be. This course was massive massive for my journey. Thank you for this program.